音樂對嬰幼兒來說,是很好的「安撫」及「學習」媒介,選擇時也不可掉以輕心!選擇得宜的話,不單能強化幼兒的音樂/節奏感,識指能力也能大大提升。以下10首歌,幼兒music playlist必備,更多育兒:
1. “A” is for Apple by Teresa Carpio (alphabet)
2. C is for Cookie by Sesame Street (alphabet)
3. ABC The Alphabet Song by Dora the Explorer (alphabet)
4. Letter Sounds by Barbara Milne (letter sounds)
5. Singing Long Vowel Sounds by Radha (long vowel letter sounds)
6. Old McDonald Had Some Vowels by The Kiboomers (vowel sounds)
7. Down by the Bay by Eric Litwin and Michael Levine (rhyming)
8. Fun With the Rhyme Time Band by Hap Palmer (rhyming)
9. Tongue Twisters by Jack Hartmann (alliteration)
10. Let the S Go by Caspar Babypants (phoneme substitution)